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Na Kim

Korea, 1979


Na Kim

  • Born in 1979, Gwangju, Korea


  • 2008     M.Des in Typography, ArtEZ Werkplaats Typografie, Arnhem, The Netherlands
    2004     M.F.A. in Visual Communication Design, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea                                                      
    2000     B.S. in Industrial Design, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

Selected Solo Exhibitions

  • 2024
    Easy Heavy, Kukje Gallery, Busan, Korea

    TYVMXZU!!, Efremidis, Berlin, Germany
    TESTER, DOOSAN Gallery, Seoul, Korea

    OUTSIDE IN: FFC on 6, 7, 8, ICA, Philadelphia, US

    Transitory Workplace, 56, A to Z, Berlin, Germany
    Bottomless Bag, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

    SET v.19, Curatorial Research Bureau, San Fransisco, US                                                    
    Black and White, FISK, Portland, US
    Extended Abstracts, Non-Breaking Space, Seattle, US

    Red, Yellow, Blue, RIOT, Ghent, Belgium

    SET, DOOSAN Gallery, New York, US

    Choice Specimen, DOOSAN Gallery, Seoul, Korea
    THE SHOW-ROOM, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea

    Found Abstracts, Gallery Factory, Seoul, Korea

    Fragile, BMH, Seoul, Korea

Selected Group Exhibitions

  • 2024
    The Terminal Beach, Efremidis, Berlin, Germany

    Functional Place, EAREAR, Munich, Germany

    History of forms, La Chaufferie, Strasbourg, France
    Framing Spaces,, Berlin, Germany

    Graphic.Designers.Collectors, A to Z, Berlin, Germany
    S&D#025, 019gent, Gent, Belgium

    DK Festival 2020: K Designer, KIDP, Seoul, Korea

    The Politics of Ornament, Lisbon Architecture Triennale, Lisbon, Portugal
    Humanity for Next Generation, Gwangju Design Biennale, Gwangju, Korea
    SET v.17, Us By Night, Antwerpen, Belgium
    Typojanchi: Seoul International Typography Biennale 2019, Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea

    Flags for Le Havre, Une Saison Graphique, Le Havre, France
    Graphic West, ddd gallery, Kyoto, Japan

    The W Show: A List of Graphic Designers, SeMA Storage, Seoul, Korea
    Production City, Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, Seoul, Korea
    Korean Design, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Gemany

    Gallery Weekend Korea, NEMO, Seoul, Korea
    Valley Rock Music & Art Festival, Icheon, Korea
    wellknown unknown, Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea
    Graphic Design, 2005-2015, Seoul, llmin Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    On Air, Fine Art Institute of Besancon, Besancon, France
    DNA, Daegue Art Museum, Daegue, Korea

    Korea Now!, Les Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France
    Graphic Symphonia, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
    A Loner's Guide, Common Center, Seoul, Korea
    Artist's Portfolio, SAVINA Museum, Seoul, Korea

    Human, Space, Machine - Stage Experiments at the Bauhaus, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
    systems 14, Walter Knoll, Berlin, Germany
    All Possible Future, SOMArts, San Francisco, US 

    Suitable Forms, Common Center, Seoul, Korea
    Droit de citation, Chaumont Festival, Chaumont, France
    Design; Another Language, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
    Memory Palace, V&A Museum, London, UK

    Life: A User’s Manual, Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea
    Millennium Magazines, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, US
    120409-120511, Daegu Photography Biennale, Daegu, Korea

    Graphic Design Worlds, Milan Triennale Museum, Milan, Italy

    Situation Room, PAKT, Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Beijing Typograhpy 2009, CAFA, Beijing, China

    Show Show Show, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

Selected Awards

  • 2024
    Amant Siena Residency Program, Siena, Italy

    DOOSAN Residency Program, New York, US
    Today’s Young Artist Award, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Seoul, Korea

    Doosan Yonkang Arts Awards, Seoul, Korea

    Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Next Generation Design Leaders, presented by Korea Institute of Design Promotion, Seoul, Korea

Selected Public and Private Collections

  • National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea
    Musée des Arts décoratifs, Paris, France
    Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum, Munich, Germany


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wellknown unknown
wellknown unknown

Selected Press

2020-07-00 Milk
2020-06-00 Art in Culture
2020-05-00 행복이 가득한 집
2020-05-00 GQ Korea
2020-05-00 Harper's Bazaar ART
2017-11-00 apartamento
2017-02-00 월간디자인
2017-02-00 STYLE H
2017-01-00 LUXURY
2017-01-00 뮤인
2016-09-00 Art in Culture
2016-08-00 BAZAAR
2016-08-00 美術世界
2016-08-00 월간미술
2016-08-00 ASIANA
2016-07-05 The Korea Herald
2016-07-05 파이낸셜뉴스
2016-07-00 Heren
2016-07-00 CA
2016-07-00 東方流行
2016-07-00 월간미술
2016-06-29 헤럴드경제
2016-06-28 GalleriesNow
2016-06-28 Artsy
2016-06-23 1st Look
2016-06-00 Dodooba
2016-06-00 Dodooba
2016-04-29 desktop
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김영나가 갤러리에 붙인 스티커   pdf VOGUE
“디자인과 미술의 경계서 줄다리기 하는 경계인”   pdf 대구신문
대량 생산 가능한 디자인을 가볍지 않은 예술로 승화시켰다   pdf 한국경제
디자인과 예술의 사이에서, 김영나   pdf Design Press
김영나 작가, 7월8일까지 개인전 ‘TESTER’ 개최   pdf 여성신문
V&A explodes K-culture in new exhibition   pdf Design Week
What a colorful world   pdf Milk
김영나: Na Kim , Play with □△○   pdf Art in Culture
그래픽디자인의조형요소들로‘물체주머니’속기억찾아보는전시   pdf 디자인정글
아이를 위한 예술 놀이터   pdf 행복이 가득한 집
IN MY ELEMENT   pdf GQ Korea
발견된 디자인   pdf Harper's Bazaar ART
Seoul Museum of Art I 《Na Kim : Bottomless Bag》I Artist Interview   pdf Seoul Museum of Art
Inside Na Kim’s vibrant playground for all ages   pdf Wallpaper
NA KIM   pdf apartamento
디자인이 태도가 될 때   pdf 월간디자인
You & Me and Art   pdf STYLE H
경계없는 디자이너   pdf LUXURY
미술관에 간 디자이너   pdf 뮤인
‘슬래쉬' 하나 정도는   pdf Art in Culture
Arts Avenue _ Exhibition "wellknown unknown"   pdf Arirang TV
[헬로! 아티스트] 이야기로 매어진 관계   pdf 네이버캐스트
직업으로서의 아티스트   pdf MUINE
전시되는 젊음   pdf 美術世界
예술가의 불안한 로망: <유명한 무명>   pdf SPACE
출현과 소멸에 대한 미묘한 저항   pdf INTERIORS
유명한 무명   pdf 월간미술
작가의 시간 / 여러 개의 이름   pdf Public Art
유명한 무명 wellknown unknown 그룹전   pdf 사진예술
Graphic Artist Na Kim   pdf ASIANA
7인의 다빈치형 예술가 새로운 상상 자극하다   pdf 서울경제
artnet Asks: An Interview with Min Oh   pdf artnet
아, 더 유명해지고 싶다…젊은 작가 7인의 고백   pdf 매일경제
[이색 전시 - 국제갤러리 ‘유명한 무명(wellknown unknown)'전] 유명과 무명의 갈림을 묻다   pdf CNB저널
7명의 작가, '유명'과 '무명' 사이의 간극에 서다   pdf 아주경제
'유명‘, '무명' 한 ‘지금’, ‘여기’   pdf 디자인정글
Show highlights 'unknown' young talents   pdf The Korea Herald
無名의 외침   pdf 파이낸셜뉴스
'유명'과 '무명'으로 구분해야 하는가   pdf 여성경제신문
유명과 무명을 구분짓는 시대, 물음표를 던지다   pdf 한국일보
불확실한 얼굴   pdf Heren
‘유명한 무명’ 을 생각하는 시간   pdf MUINE
[EXHIBITION] Art & Design Now : 유명한 무명   pdf AVENUEL
유명한 무명   pdf CA
유명과 무명 사이    pdf 東方流行
[PREVIEW] 유명한 무명   pdf 월간미술
유명해지지 못하면 사라지는 것일까…'유명한 무명'展   pdf 연합뉴스
[아트홀릭] 유명한 무명   pdf 헤럴드경제
wellknown unknown   pdf GalleriesNow
wellknown unknown   pdf Artsy
앞으로 더 유명해질 젊은 작가 7인…'유명한 무명'전   pdf 뉴스1
“유명해지고 싶은 무명의 욕망” 국제갤러리 ‘유명한 무명’ 展   pdf 국민일보
EXHIBITION   pdf 1st Look
'유명'한 전시만 하던 국제갤러리의 '무명'전   pdf 뉴시스
유명한 무명    pdf Dodooba
Profile: Young Na Kim   pdf desktop