May 2018
Park Chan-kyong Participates in Group Exhibition Assembling at the chi K11 art space in Shenyang, China
Artist: Park Chan-kyong (박찬경)
Exhibition Title: Assembling
Exhibition Dates: May 27 - Aug 25, 2018
Exhibition Venue: chi K11 art space, 4F K11 Art Mall Shenyang, China (중국 선양(瀋陽))
Participating Artists: Park Chan-kyong with 36 artists/groups (박찬경 외 36명/그룹)
Exhibition Title: Assembling
Exhibition Dates: May 27 - Aug 25, 2018
Exhibition Venue: chi K11 art space, 4F K11 Art Mall Shenyang, China (중국 선양(瀋陽))
Participating Artists: Park Chan-kyong with 36 artists/groups (박찬경 외 36명/그룹)

Park Chan-kyong, Sindoan, 2008, HD film, six-channel video installation
Artist: Park Chan-kyong (박찬경)
Exhibition Title: Assembling
Exhibition Dates: May 27 - Aug 25, 2018
Exhibition Venue: chi K11 art space, 4F K11 Art Mall Shenyang, China (중국 선양(瀋陽))
Participating Artists: Park Chan-kyong with 36 artists/groups (박찬경 외 36명/그룹)
Park Chan-kyong is featured in a group exhibition titled Assembling from May 27 to August 25, 2018, at the chi K11 art space in Shenyang, China. The exhibition will showcase the experimental tradition in Northeast China with 31 renowned Chinese and international artists, as well as six contemporary art collectives founded in the region. Park Chan-kyong will exhibit Sindoan (2008), a six-channel video that has closely investigated the religious sects in the Gyeryong Mountain to trace the coercive nature of modernization and its impact on tradition, folk religion, and culture.
박찬경, 중국 선양 chi K11 art space에서 《Assembling》 전 참가
박찬경은 2018년 5월 27일부터 8월 25일까지 중국 선양 chi K11 art space 에서 개최하는 그룹전 《Assembling》에 참가한다. 이번 전시는 31명의 작가와 6 그룹 작가들의 협업으로 중국 북동부의 실험적인 전통을 선보일 예정이다. 전시에 소개되는 박찬경의 대표작 <신도안>(2008)은 한국의 근대화 과정에서 미신과 사이비 종교로 전락한 ‘계룡산 문화’를 면밀히 조사한 6채널의 영상 작품으로, 근대화의 강압적인 성격과 그것이 전통과 무속 신앙, 문화에 끼친 영향을 추적한다.
[Source from K11 Press Release]