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Ahn Kyuchul

Korean, 1955


Ahn Kyuchul

  • Born in 1955, Seoul, Korea

    1997-2020 Professor of Korean National University of Arts, Seoul, Korea


  • 1995     Staatliche Akademie der Bildende Künste Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
    1977     B.F.A. in Sculpture, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Selected Solo Exhibitions

  • 2024
    Ahn Kyuchul: Questions ― Landscape without Horizon, Space ISU, Seoul, Korea

    5 Houses and 30 Doors – Imaginative Artist Ahn, Kyuchul, Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, Korea

    5 Houses and 30 Doors - Imaginative Artist Ahn, Kyuchul, Seoul Children's Museum, Seoul, Korea
    The Other Side of Things, Kukje Gallery, Busan, Korea

    Words Just for You, Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea

    Invisible Land of Love, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea

    All and but Nothing, HITE Collection, Seoul, Korea

    Drawn to the Rainbow, Gallery Skape, Seoul, Korea
    The One and Only Table, Bongsan Cultural Center, Daegu, Korea
    Alles hat seine Stunde, Goethe Institut, Seoul, Korea

    A 2.6㎡ House, Gallery Space, Seoul, Korea

    Ahn Kyu-Chul: Table, Takeout Drawing Arko, Seoul, Korea

    Forty-Nine Rooms, Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain

    Forty-Nine Rooms, Rodin Gallery, Seoul, Korea

    Trivialities, Artsonje Museum, Gyeongju, Korea

    In Between Objects, Art Space Seoul/Hakgojae, Seoul, Korea

    Ahn Kyuchul 1990-1992, Gallery Space Saemteo, Seoul, Korea

Selected Group Exhibitions

  • 2024
    Drawing, Portraying the Philosophy of Life, SOMA Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    Memory, Stare, Wish, Gyeonggi Museum of Art, Ansan, Korea
    Collection Variable, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
    Korean Modern & Contemporary Art: The Echoes of the Times, Ulsan Art Museum, Ulsan, Korea

    Architecture Becomes Art, Cheongju Museum of Art, Cheongju, Korea
    How to Archive, Gyeongnam Art Museum, Changwon, Korea
    On Collecting Time, Nam June Paik Art Center, Yongin, Korea

    Delivery in Art, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Cheongju, Korea
    The 12th Seoul Media city Pre-Biennale: Station, Nam-Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
    Beyond The Scene, Total Museum, Seoul, Korea  
    UNBOXING PROJECT: Today, NewSpringProject, Seoul, Korea

    audio - scape, BGA MARU, Seoul, Korea
    Wongi Sul's collections "1+1" A Collecter's View, ONE AND J. Gallery, Seoul, Korea 
    Seven Moons, Clayarch Gimhae Museum, Gimhae, Korea 
    Sustainable Museum: Art and Environment, Museum of Contemporary Art Busan, Busan, Korea
    Jamunbak Museum Project, Gana Art Center, Seoul, Korea
    Corpus Gestus Vox, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Ansan, Korea
    Loss, Everything that happened to me, Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, Korea

    Artists in Their Times: Korean Modern and Contemporary Art, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
    Art and Words 2020, Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul, Korea
    The Better Man 1948-2020: Pick Your Representative for the National Assembly, Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

    The Coming Community, Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    The Song of the One Who Doesn't Stay, Kyobo Art Space, Seoul, Korea
    A centennial of Korean Modern and Contemporary Sculpture, Seosomun Shrine History Museum, Seoul, Korea
    Drawing-Korean Modern and Contemporary Drawings, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    DMZ, Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea
    2019 Pool Rising, Art Space Pool, Seoul, Korea
    Lies, Seoul National University Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

    #Art #Commons #NamJunePaik, Nam June Paik Art Center, Yongin, Korea

    100 Interviews, Goyang Aram Nuri Aram Art gallery, Goyang, Korea
    Art Playground-A-Mazing Day, Today!, Goyang Children's Museum, Goyang, Korea
    From Torch to Candlelight, Jeju Museum of Art, Jeju, Korea
    2017 Pool Rising, Art Space Pool, Seoul, Korea
    Art in Society: Land of Hapiness, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    April the Eternal Voyage, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Ansan, Korea

    Expressions and Gestures, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    2015 Pool Rising, Art Space Pool, Seoul, Korea

    Variation of the Moon, Nam June Paik Art Center, Yongin, Korea

    Haein Art Project, Haein Temple, Hapcheon, Korea
    Women Healing the World, Culture Factory Osan, Osan, Korea

    Changwon Sculpture Biennale, Masan, Korea
    Roundtable, The 9th Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, Korea
    Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, Daegu, Korea
    Hidden Track, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    Five Different Prologues, Gallery Skape, Seoul, Korea

    Space Study, Plateau, Seoul, Korea
    Countdown, Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea

    Works in the Open Air, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Ansan, Korea

    Yeomiji Art Project, Yeomiji Botanic Garden, Seogwipo, Korea
    Moving Museum, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

    Kaleidoscope-Korean Contemporary Art, Central House of Artist, Moscow, Russia

    Korean Art-Void, Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

    Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, Echigo-Tsumari Art Field, Niigata, Japan
    Seoul Forest Park Open Air Sculpture Symposium, Seoul Forest Park, Seoul, Korea
    Drawn to Drawing, SOMA, Seoul, Korea

    Cool & Warm, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
    Power Station, Marronnier Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    Against Translation, Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
    Parallel Life, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Germany

    The Breath of the House, Youngam Ceramic Culture Center, Youngam, Korea
    Alchemy of Daily Life, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
    Absolutely Landscape, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
    You Are My Sunshine, Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
    Stillness and Movement, Seoul Olympic Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
    Place/Space, Heyri Art Valley, Paju, Korea

    Comics in Art, Art in Comics, Ewha Womans University Museum, Seoul, Korea
    Crossings 2003, University of Hawaii Art gallery, Honolulu, US
    Beauty, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
    Art in Landscape, Heyri Art Valley, Paju, Korea
    5: Art Sonje Collection Show, Art Sonje Center, Seoul, Korea 

    P_A_U_S_E, Project 4: Connection, The 4th Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, Korea
    Containers, Marronnier Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    Art in Movement, Shinsegye Gallery, Incheon/Gwangju, Korea

    Design or Art, Design Museum, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
    Busan International Contemporary Art Festival, Busan Metropolitan Art Museum, Busan, Korea

    Phobia-Unconscious Desire, Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    Art Wear, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea

    Theme Space, Posco Gallery, Seoul, Korea
    Media and Site, Busan Metropolitan Art Museum, Busan, Korea

    Korean Art '97, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
    '97 Korean Sculpture Today, Moran Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    Between Clothes and Self Consciousness, Space Sadi, Seoul, Korea
    Drawing and Writing, Hanlim Art Museum, Daejeon, Korea

    4 Künstler aus Ostasien, Galerie Heppaecher, Esslingen, Germany

    Ssak, old site of Artsonje Center, Seoul, Korea
    Development of Korean Modernism, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    Zwischenraum, Künstlerwerkstatt, Munich, Germany

    Two Person Exhibition, Gallery Brandsteter, Zürich, Switzerland

    Across the Pacific, Queens Museum, New York, US
    Two Person Exhibition, Galerie Keim, Stuttgart, Germany

    10 Artists of the year 1986, Seoul Museum, Seoul, Korea

    Landscape of Life, Seoul Museum, Seoul, Korea
    Reality and Utterance, Gallery Min, Seoul, Korea

    Modern Space Group Sculpture Exhibition, Paldang Outdoor Gallery, Namyangju, Korea

Selected Projects

  • 2010
    Path of Wind, Seoul, Korea

    Donui Mun - Disappeared Gate, Seoul, Korea

Selected Public and Private Collections

  • Arario Gallery, Seoul, Korea
    Amore Pacific Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    GyeongGi Museum of Modern Art, Ansan, Korea
    Leeum Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea
    Nam June Paik Art Center, Yongin, Korea
    Wooyang Museum, Gyeongju, Korea
    Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
    Art Sonje Center, Seoul, Korea




Shop now
Ahn Kyuchul: Words Just for You
Ahn Kyuchul: Words Just for You
All And But Nothing (Revised Edition)
All And But Nothing (Revised Edition)

Selected Press

2021-07-00 행복이 가득한 집
2021-07-00 Art in Culture
2021-06-00 Public Art
2021-05-24 경향신문
2020-04-00 Art in Culture
2017-04-00 PUBLIC ART
2017-04-00 Art in Culture
2017-04-00 美術世界
2017-04-00 Harper's BAZAAR
2017-03-15 Wall Street International
2017-03-11 The Korea Times
2017-03-00 ARENA HOMME+
2017-02-23 조선일보
미술가 안규철: 천사가 지나가는 시간   pdf 행복이 가득한 집
사물의 뒷모습, 세계의 진실   pdf Art in Culture
Minjung Artist Ahn Kyuchul's Difficult Art   pdf OCULA
“인생의 진짜 모습은 앞보다 뒤”   pdf 서울경제
안부를 전하는 편지   pdf Public Art
정형모가 들려주는 예술가의 안목과 통찰_28 생각을 보여주는 작가, 안규철   pdf Forbes Korea
사물의 이면에서 발견한 진실   pdf 경향신문
심오함과 유머 사이 '예술의 문'을 열다   pdf 한국경제
뒷모습은 알고 있다... 속일 수 없는 진실을   pdf 서울신문
손잡이 없는 '인생'…예술의 문을 열다   pdf 매일경제
‘사물의 뒷모습’ 난해한가요? 짧은글 읽으니 바로 알겠죠   pdf 헤럴드경제
[문화산책] 뮤지컬 칸타타 ‘아!나의 조국‘ 외   pdf KBS NEWS
미술이 묻는 ‘선거 역사 73년’…새 일꾼 제대로 뽑고 있나   pdf 국민일보
삶+미술=삶, 삶-미술=삶   pdf Art in Culture
안규철, '2012 광주 비엔날레' 출품작 교보문고에 전시   pdf 뉴시스
질문에서 시간으로   pdf PUBLIC ART
역설과 모순으로 이루어진 사물의 세계: <당신만을 위한 말>   pdf SPACE
농담 같은 진담, 진담 같은 농담   pdf Art in Culture
지금 여기 없는 것을 상상하기   pdf 美術世界
공회전하는 예술 앞에서 침묵   pdf 美術世界
삶과 예술 사이에서   pdf Harper's BAZAAR
Ahn Kyuchul Words Just for You   pdf Wall Street International
Ahn discovers paradox from everyday objects   pdf The Korea Times
혼술-혼밥에 지친 이들아 ‘혼말’을 나눠봐   pdf 동아일보
지금, 당신이 꿈꾸던 삶을 살고 있나요   pdf 파이낸셜뉴스
창문 너머의 관찰자, 안규철   pdf NEIGHBOR
소통만을 위한 예술   pdf ARENA HOMME+
평범한 사물이 일깨워주는 색다른 인식   pdf 경향신문
뒤틀린 사물 속 세상의 부조리   pdf 서울신문
당신만을 위한 말? 개인展 연 안규철 작가 “나는 인생이야기가 있는 개념 미술 작가”   pdf 국민일보
사실은, 떠나고 싶은 의자 어긋나고 빗나간 사물의 꿈   pdf 헤럴드경제
'노 젓는 의자' 얼마에 팔릴까   pdf 조선일보
값싼 재료에 비싼 생각을 담죠   pdf 매일경제
언어, 촉각, 청각 아우른 뉴아트    pdf 한국경제
안규철 작가 "내 작업은 여전히 질기고 불편한 음식"   pdf news 1
배로 변한 의자·털로 된 종…일상의 바깥을 엿보다   pdf 연합뉴스